PCM-Standardization Contributors
If you like to join
Please add your name, email, address, etc. into the table if you like to contribute and send a email to stefan.gschwander@ise.fraunhofer.de.
Click on "Table of Contributors" then you can choose "Edit" on the top of the page to write into the table.
Contribution means that you will receive test materials (PCM) to measure them according the measurement standard which have been defined.
The results have to be sent to the leaders of each measurement topic or to the working group leader (Stefan Gschwander).
You can also act as leader for one of the topics (tasks) which means, you have to send materials to the members of your group, you should collect the results, analyse and compare it.
The results have to be discussed at the following Task 4229 meeting. Here we will decide together how to proceed.
Table of Contributors
First Name | Family Name | Organization |
Address --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Leader Task | DSC | T-History | Rheology | Density | Thermal Conductivity | Thermal Cycling | |
Stefan | Gschwander | stefan.gschwander@ise.fraunhofer.de | ISE |
Fraunhofer ISE |
yes paraffin |
no |
yes paraffin |
no |
yes paraffin |
yes paraffin
Christoph | Rathgeber | Rathgeber@muc.zae-bayern.de | ZAE |
ZAE Bayern, Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, |
T-History | yes |
yes paraffin |
no |
yes HT-PCM |
yes |
yes paraffin |
Monica | Delgado Gracia | monica@unizar.es | Unizar-I3A | Thermal Engineering Division, Mechanical Engineering Department University of Zaragoza, Campus Río Ebro Edificio Agustín Betancourt, C/María de Luna s/n 50018 Zaragoza (Spain) |
Rheology | no | no |
yes paraffin
no | no | no |
Ana | Lazaro | ana.lazaro@unizar.es | Unizar-I3A | Thermal Engineering Division, Mechanical Engineering Department University of Zaragoza, Campus Río Ebro Edificio Agustín Betancourt, C/María de Luna s/n 50018 Zaragoza (Spain) |
yes paraffin |
yes paraffin |
no | no |
yes paraffin |
no | |
Luisa | Cabeza | lcabeza@diei.udl.cat | Grea | GREA Innovació Concurrent Universitat de Lleida Edifici CREA - Pere de Cabrera s/n 25001-Lleida (Spain) |
yes paraffin |
Yes paraffin |
no | no | no |
yes PCM-Objects |
Alenka | Ristic | alenka.ristic@ki.si | NIC |
National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia Hajdrihova 19 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia |
yes | ||||||
Michael | Brütting | michael.bruetting@zae-bayern.de | ZAE Bayern | ZAE Bayern, Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, Department: Energy Efficiency, Am Galgenberg 87, 97074 Würzburg, Germany |
Thermal conductivity | salt hydrates and paraffins | salthydrates and paraffins | paraffins | paraffins, salthydrates, sensible and HT-PCM | ||
Magali | Fois | fois@u-pec.fr | CERTES - UPEC | CERTES, UPEC 61, av. du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil Cedex, France |
yes paraffins |
yes paraffins |
Gonzalo | Diarce | gonzalo.diarce@ehu.es | University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU |
Enedi Research Group. Materials Science Department. School of Mining Engineering and Public Works. C/ Rafael Moreno Pitxitxi 2. 48013. Bilbao. Spain |
yes paraffins Salt-hydrates |
no | no |
yes paraffins Salt-hydrates |
no | no | |
Wolfgang | Hohenauer | wolfgang.hohenauer@ait.ac.at | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Giefinggasse 2 1210 Wien Austria |
yes Paraffins, Salt Hydrates |
yes Paraffins, Salt Hydrates |
yes (TG-sDTA, controlled humidity) Paraffins, Salt Hydrates |
Erwin | Franquet | erwin.franquet@univ-pau.fr | LaTEP - ENSGTI | LaTEP-ENSGTI, Bâtiment d'Alembert, rue Jules Ferry, BP 7511, 64075 Pau cedex, France |
yes paraffins, salt hydrates |
Laurent | Zalewski | laurent.zalewski@univ-artois.fr | LGCgE – Université d'Artois | LGCgE - Université d'Artois, Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, Technoparc Futura 62400 BETHUNE FRANCE |
Fluxmetric set-up paraffinsalt-hydrates Tmax : 85°C |
Fluxmetric set-up |
Daniel | Lager | daniel.lager@ait.ac.at | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Giefinggasse 2 1210 Wien Austria |
specific heat, melting and crystallisation enthalpy |
no | no | Push rod dilatometry for thermal expansion measurements |
Transient Hot Bridge; Laser Flash Analysis |
Cycling with STA for TCM and DSC for PCM |
Stephan | Höhlein | Stephan.Hoehlein@uni-bayreuth.de | University of Bayreuth | Department of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes (LTTT) Faculty of Engineering Science (FAN C) Universität Bayreuth Universitätsstr. 30 95440 Bayreuth |
yes |
no | yes | yes | yes | yes |